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New Discovery
CHECK THE TIMES!! ALL THE BUS TIMETABLES CHANGED IN SEPT 2015, so there might be some mistakes in this website!!
Or check with
Traveline also provides a telephone service available by calling 0871 200 22 33*
*not the number that's on the shelter, it's out-of-date
Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Calls cost 10p per minute from BT Landlines.Cost from mobiles or other providers may vary

231 Bus to Huntly
4 buses a day from Rhynie to Huntly. Leaves from the bus-shelter in the square
(Takes about 20 mins to get to Huntly
BUS TIMES .... number 231 busMon to Fri
Bus to HUNTLY Bus to huntly: 8.17am, 11.17am, 14.17pm, 17.17pm. It takes 20 mins to Huntly.
Bus back from Huntly: 9.55am, 12.55pm, 15.55pm, 17.42pm.
Bus to Alford: 10.14am, 13.14pm, 16.14pm, 18.01pm. Takes 20 mins.
Bus back to Rhynie from Alford: 7.50am, 10.55am, 13.55pm, 16.55pm
SATURDAY 2 buses each way
Bus to Huntly 10.17 and 14.17
Returns leaving Huntly at 11.55 and 14.55
Bus to Alford 12.14 and 15.14
NO buses on SUNDAY

Deveron Coaches Number 402
Wednesday Only WARNING: THIS SERVICE IS ENDING SOON.. (may already have stopped)
Bus to Aberdeen -Leaves about 10.15 am (check the times in the shelter)
Returns -Leaving Aberdeen at quarter to four,
gets back to Rhynie about 5.20pm and carries on over the Cabrach to Elgin.
Change at Huntly for
no 10 bus to Inverness or Aberdeen. Also no. 301 bus to
and no. 306 bus to
NEW in 2014 ...... number 230 bus to Strathdon!! Leaves Rhynie at 10 to 7 am on schooldays,
(quarter past 7 on saturdays and school-holidays) :takes about half-an-hour to get to Bellabeg.
Then it comes back, leaving Bellabeg at 20past 5pm (20 to 5 on saturdays and school-holidays) gets back to Rhynie at 13 mins past 5
(10 to 5 on sats and school hols) and carries on to Insch... it takes quarter-of-an-hour to get to Insch.
Another way to Strathdon: Leave Rhynie 2.14pm on the 231 bus towards Alford, change at Lumsden (1½ hours to wait in Lumsden)
for the
4pm schoolbus to Strathdon
There's a commuter-bus that meets the Aberdeen train at Insch station in the morning
and again at teatime . . . leaves Rhynie at QUARTER TO SEVEN in the morning, goes down Bogie Road and through Clatt, Leslie and Premnay and
meets the train at Insch. Then it meets the train at Insch (the bus-stop is across from the side-door of Carriages Hotel) at FIVE TO SIX pm,
gets back to rhynie about 20 past 6.
HUNTLY A to B dial-a-bus. It doesn't come as far as Rhynie, but it would take you anywhere around Gartly, Tillathrowie,
Glass etc.,if you get to Gartly or Huntly first on the ordinary 231 bus. You have to phone 01224-66-55-99 before 3pm on the day BEFORE
you want to travel.
Also there is a dial-a-bus from Lumsden, i think it's on Thursdays only, you have to get to Lumsden on the 231 bus first.
The oldfolks' shopping bus used to go to Huntly 6 times a year, and on the return trip, carries on through Rhynie to Bellabeg
. . . .don't know if this service still exists.'
Tuesdays only . . . Number 416 bus by Clatt and Premnay to Inverurie . . . . details coming soon. . .
There doesn't seem to be any direct bus to Deeside.You have to go via Huntly and Aberdeen.
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